🚀Understanding the YSF LP farming contract?

YamSwap Finance
1 min readMay 22, 2021

Looks like a question to you? Never too worry! “Wondering how farming contracts never run out without minting more LP tokens?” YSF liquidity farming smart contract will permit users/investors to stake their LP tokens and farm more LP tokens, our thanks goes to the smart contract featuring a dividend pool. The YSF team is going to add all of its liquidity tokens to this pool. There will be a 10% fee for Users who want to stake or unstake their tokens from the farm. All the fees goes back to the farm pool to be distributed as rewards in the farm network. This criterion guarantees that the pool will never run out of rewards, therefore giving users with an encouragement to keep providing liquidity for YSF. For instance, if the dividend pool price is a bit down and users/investors who are already in profit are panicking to remove their LP tokens and liquidity. Fees collecting from users/investors stakes leaving are going to boost/increase the farming pool back, and providing liquidity and staking tokens is going to be impressive for investors once back. What if some users don’t want to pay any fees? Don’t too worry, The YSF team going to offer you a normal farming pools where you can farm YSF using YSF-BNB, YSF-BUSD, and YSF.



YamSwap Finance

The YamSwap Finance (YSF) is decentralized finance that is much more than a simple farming project, the YSF Team is developing a new era of the highest yield..